Home Equity Loans With Bad Credit

What Are Your Home Loan OPTIONS?
A Home Equity Line of Credit
The most traditional option is to apply for a HELOC at a bank or Credit Union where you already do business. This is where you will find the best terms. However, this option requires great credit, good length of employment and so on.
Hard Money Loan
Another option is a traditional hard money lender. These type of lenders typically want to loan over $100,000 at a time and want to be paid back within 6 months.
Home Equity Loan
Another option is working with my group of investors that will loan amounts lower than $100,000, give you up to 2 years to repay the loan and work with you on a plan to be able to pay the loan back. This is the option I can help you with. This can be a great option if you are behind in your house payments or foreclosure has started, your credit is not good, you have flied bankruptcy or you current income has taken a dip.
- You will be offered the lowest costs for these types of loans.
- Interest only payments for up to 2 years.
- Your personalized Barrower Fact Sheet will show you in detail the cost and term of your loan.
- You can close quickly at a Utah Licensed Title Company.
- There is never an upfront fee or obligation.
- Call me today to see if you qualify.
Please Call or Text (801) 613-2959 For More Information
or use the form at the bottom of the home page for email.